How We Help
How We Help
For more than 20 years, Prairieaction Foundation has been funding action-oriented research to help end domestic violence and abuse in Canada.
How We Help
At Prairieaction Foundation, we envision a future in which our society is free from violence and abuse. By working collectively with researchers, service agencies, first responders, government, businesses, and concerned members of the community, we are better understanding the complex issues that contribute to violence, and developing action-oriented solutions to make our vision a reality.
A Prairieaction endowment fund – the Legacy Fund – enables registered charities in the Prairies and across Canada to participate in research leading to enhanced policy decisions and “best practices” in direct service. This fund supports three key pillars:
- We provide grants;
- We fund research; and,
- We promote education & awareness.
CARE Grants
The CARE Grant Program supports the Foundation’s overarching goal to fund research across the prairie provinces that lead to solution focused outcomes to help keep our communities safer. The program objective is to fund grassroots, charitable community-based organizations in conducting action-oriented research in partnership with members of the academic community, with a purpose to create or improve programs that identify effective strategies to alleviate and prevent violence and abuse.
We Fund Tri-Provincial Research
Tri-Provincial Research
Prairieaction Foundation (PAF) is excited to announce a special tri-provincial research call-out which aims to fund research projects that will be conducted in all three prairie provinces. PAF is committed to funding research that leads to community awareness related to issues of violence and abuse and is specifically interested in research that engages in solution focused outcomes, leading to better programs to keep our communities safer.
We Promote Education & Awareness
Education & Awareness (E&A) Grant Program
The E&A Grant Program provides small grants to community-based, nonprofit organizations for activities that will:
- Increase the knowledge and understanding of the target audience about violence and abuse;
- Actively involve the target audience by encouraging actions that will lead to a safe and violence free society; and
- Promote awareness, discussion and strategic application of the research results of RESOLVE and CARE projects.
Education and Awareness Grants are available for application any time throughout the year.